Cristian Giraldo

¿Está corto de personal para su desarrollo? Are you short of staff for your development?

Ahora puedes importar talento a tu proyecto Supongamos que tienes una idea, o un desarrollo que realizar en un tiempo récord. Para esto necesitas: Encuentrar un equipo de desarrollo ya capacitado y con experiencia. Un equipo que se adapta fácilmente a las necesidades de tu negocio y al ecosistema y cultura de tu empresa. Necesita …

¿Está corto de personal para su desarrollo? Are you short of staff for your development? Read More »

We became AWS partner!!!

Bees2Biz in its process of growth and innovation, has got the attention of AWS (Amazon Web Service) , the cloud on the Amazon platform. This great alliance will result in better service, greater availability and support for all our customers. With this accompaniment Bees2Biz will have more capacity to create solutions and services for everyone …

We became AWS partner!!! Read More »

Bees2Biz completes its softlanding process with Procolombia and MediaTech Venture.

We are deeply grateful to ProColombia for choosing us among the thousands of companies that applied last year to participate in the Softlanding process led by MediaTech Ventures in Austin TX.  MediaTech Ventures has accompanied hundreds of companies from all around the world to firmly enter the United States marketplace. We do thank Procolombia for …

Bees2Biz completes its softlanding process with Procolombia and MediaTech Venture. Read More »

Today we are pleased to be named by MediaTech Ventures as one of the 14 companies that will change the world of media technology.

We are happy to be part of this process lead by PROCOLOMBIA in its effort to take Colombian companies to international markets. At Bees2Biz we help other companies to optimize their digital transformation. Consisting of a multidisciplinary team of talented and motivated professionals, we develop cutting-edge solutions using the latest technology such as IoT integration, Blockchain, …

Today we are pleased to be named by MediaTech Ventures as one of the 14 companies that will change the world of media technology. Read More »

Bees2Biz will participate in the Toronto Soft-landing program.

ProColombia has been working to establish a series of strategic alliances in different countries worldwide, to position Colombia as a provider of world-class products and services.  They work every day to contribute to the growth of Colombia´s companies by helping them to strengthen their products and services to gain international projection and recognition. Our company …

Bees2Biz will participate in the Toronto Soft-landing program. Read More »

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